Saturday, October 6, 2007


Every year (on a Monday) we go to the Fryeburg Fair with my dad. My mother meets us up there after we've seen every farm animal known to man... twice. For some weird reason we always pose with a cow. Marcus swears it's the same cow every year, but it's not. Unfortunately Marcus couldn't go with us (he's working 2 full-time jobs! That's another story....)
Kristin, Dan and Alicia and Sam met up with us also! I'm so glad they came! The boys had a BLAST with the girls on the rides and games. I even, brace yourself...went on a ride! I NEVER go on rides. They make me so sick. Sam and I went on this free fall thingy, and I screamed the whole time. But it was fun! Caleb was so sick from rides (and fried foods I'm sure) that he missed school on Tuesday.
Tanner loved feeding the sheep but Jordan preferred the animals when they were in a pen.
Seriously, you pay six bucks to play a game and you get a cheap 10 cent duck! Oh well, they were sooooo excited about the ducks and the cheesy gold framed John Deere pic!
The boys loveloved the bumper cars. Tanner was laughing so hard he couldn't breathe! So cute! Can't wait 'til next year!


Anonymous said...

Gee, I wish I could have been there so I could have been part of this story too.

Anonymous said...

Nice! I love family tradition, looks like ya'll had a fantastic time! You have such a super cute family!

Anonymous said...

So FREAKING cute!! That looked so fun. Well, not the fair, being with family. I'm not a fan of the fair, or camping, or the rodeo. But it's fun to see how much the kids love it. I can't wait to see Jordan! He looks so big. The kids are excited, too. Hunter can't wait to show him how he plays soccer. Brinley already picked out the pet shops she wants to share with him. This is either going to be a blast, or he'll be terrified of us. Cross your fingers... we are going to eat him up!!!

Sarah said...

Yea, I'm not a huge fan of the fair either. Between the smells of cigarettes, cotton candy, fried food and cow manure and all the motions of rides spinning and don't forget the "carnies" trying to get you to play their games...yea kinda makes me want to vomit


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