Thursday, March 13, 2008

Love these.

Are these not the best things ever!?! My nose was stuffy and running while grocery shopping so I grabbed the first tissues I saw. When I got into the car I blew my nose and......ahhhhhhhhh! They were awesome! I could breathe! Marcus was with me so I pulled one out for him even though he wasn't sick, "Try these!" Five minutes later we are driving down the road with tissues stuck up each nostril! Even if you're not sick, buy them for someone who is. You'll be their very best friend.


Anonymous said...

I have never seen them before but I will look for them now. Big Bobby is just starting to come down sick so I am sure he will be needing them soon.



Anonymous said...

HAHA! I came home and bought some for me, and I'M NOT sick!! I'm kinda addicted... Thanks for being the pusher.

S+A Beckwith said...

I LOVEEEEEE those tissues Dad bought some when he was sick and I just smelled them. Nothing better then vicks.


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