Saturday, January 3, 2009

{ happy 2009 }

We had a nice quiet New Year's Eve. Marcus, I and the boys (and Charlie, Caleb's best friend) had our own little party to bring in 2009. First we all wrote down out 2009 resolutions. Jordan's had a very interesting illustration. Then we played Imaginif..? and drank sparkling cider and ate. At midnight we counted down and watch the ball drop in Times Square, NYC. The boys all blew their horns and screamed. It was a fun night. The pictures are not that great because I took them on my iphone.


Anonymous said...

Very cute! So... is Jordan afraid that if he doesn't sleep in his own bed this year, you'll shoot him?

HAHAAA!!! That game sounded fun. I want to play!

Skindeep said...

OMG ober cute!! I <3 your new layout on what you are currently doing.


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