Friday, April 3, 2009

{ 59...woah. }

Happy Birthday to my awesome, amazing, incredible, DAD! I was going to post 59 cool/weird facts about him, but I thought for now I'll leave you wth just one:
1. Every year he poses with a cow at the Fryeburg Fair. Weird, huh?
Oh, wait. I do too. (And the cow ate my hair.)

My dad loves Needhams. I never realized they were a Maine Potato Candy. Did you?My cousin Peggy makes the best so I called her for the recipe. The recipes online are very similar. They are so easy! And they call for mashed potato, weird huh? So last night Tanner and I snuck over to my parents and left some on the seat of his truck with a pile of Tanner's artwork for the birthday boy.
I am so blessed to be a daughter of this remarkable man! I love you Dad, Happy Birthday!


Anonymous said...

HAHAA!! I loved the picture of you posing with the cow, too! Very funny. I'm waiting for the kids to get home to call and sing the traditional "you smell like a monkey" song. Did he get Erik's and my present, yet? We were hoping it would get there in time...

Btw, 13 days! Ava asks me at least a couple times a day if Auntie Sarah is coming yet. I shouldn't have told her. Grrrr. Oh, and Ava saw the pic of you and she got all excited and said, "Auntie Sarah has a big horse!!"

Anonymous said...

Very cute pics hope he had a grat Birthday.


PS Hope he also enjoyed the needhams too.


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