Sunday, February 24, 2008

Birthday Boy!

My brother, Jon, turned 37 while we were in Florida!  So today we celebrated!  When I was younger I always thought he was so "cool" because he was older.  I would sneak into his room steal his clothes and think I was all that because I had a USM sweatshirt.  I've always looked up to him and I still do.  He's super talented, smart, creative, funny, and handsome.  I'm very proud to have him as my big brother.Here is a picture of Jon, Dad, and my grandmother last Thanksgiving. Mimi is very sick and in the hospital right now, so please pray for her.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Jon and yes we will all pray for Mimi.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Jon! I'll never forget the night I asked Jon what his USM sweatshirt meant. He told me it stood for "you stupid moron", and then laughed. HA! Classic Jon! I was always so proud of my older brother. Even at our young ages, my friends always had crushes on him. I looked up to him so much. I still do. He has set such an example to us all the importance of family, past and present. I love you and respect you, Jon. I don't tell you that nearly enough. Thanks for all you do!


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