I can't find the cord to upload pictures (hmmph)!....so i'll just post this cute quiz I found on someone else's blog.
1. How long have you been a Mom?
11 years! Woah, that sounds like a long time for some reason...
2. How many children call you Mommy/Mom/Mama?:
3 children, oh and a lizard, and a cat (who has 3 kittens, so does that mean I'm a
3. Girl? Boy? or both?
Three wild and wonderful boys.
4. Did you know what you were having?:
Oh yes. And each time I was hoping for a girl. Oh well.
5. How old were you when you became a Mom?
6. How long were you in labor?
Hmmm *thinking*, Caleb took 12 hrs. Jordan took 6 hrs. and Tanner took 20 min.
7. Have you ever had an epidural?
8. What was your least favorite thing about labor?
The feeling of being out of control.
9. Do you want more kids?:
Yes. From my own body? No.
10. Do you plan on having more soon?:
Not in the near future.
11. Does daddy change diapers?
Oh yes.
12. How many times have you been peed on?:
With three boys?! Many, many times.
13. Barfed on?:
Oh eww.. A lot I'm sure.
14. Is your child named after anyone?
Jordan's middle name (Noi) is named after Marcus' brother, and Tanner's middle name (Jon)is after my dad.
15. How did you come up with their name(s)?
I've always loved the name Caleb. Marcus named Jordan and Tanner.
16. When your child(ren) gets in trouble, who is the bad guy?
17. And who is the good guy?
18. What is the longest you have been away from your child(ren)?
Caleb was away for 3 weeks in Cambodia. I went to Utah with Tanner for 2 weeks and left Jordan. And I went to NYC and left tanner for 3 days.
19. Kids bedtime routine?
You'd think I was the worst mom if I told you...
20. Are your toes painted?
All the time.
21. Last movie you saw in the theater?
22. Last time you had a date?
a what?
23. One thing you will not give up just because you are a mom?
I'm willing to give up anything for my boys.
24. One thing you did give up now that you’re a mom?
25. Best Mom you know?
I know so many great moms! And they are all so different with different qualities and strengths. I really admire my mother-in-law who escaped Laos by herself with 4 young boys across the Mekong River into Thailand.